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really liked it Average rating four.00  ·
 · vii,604 ratings  · 432 reviews
Get-go your review of Dakota Born (Dakota, #1)
Anyone else not care for the main male person grapheme, Cuff? Kind of felt like he needed anger management.
Feb 02, 2017 rated information technology did non like it
The only bigger group of male chauvinists than the 1 in this book is fabricated up of the men currently in the United states Congress.
I wanted to take these dudes out of their lil podunk North Dakota town, transport them to an active volcano, and throw them in.
May 31, 2008 rated it did not similar it
As a native N Dakotan, I encourage you non to read this book, which is then full of mistruths about the North Dakota feel.

The plot is outraqeous. Due north Dakota may exist viewed every bit backward by the rest of the nation, but our Country Board of Education would never permit ONE SINGLE instructor to teach all of the the subjects that would ordinarily be taught in a ND high school, no affair how remote. That is an affront to the intelligence of the people of my state. The book cover is even more than insulti

Equally a native Northward Dakotan, I encourage you lot non to read this book, which is then full of mistruths almost the Due north Dakota experience.

The plot is outraqeous. North Dakota may be viewed as backward by the residue of the nation, but our State Board of Teaching would never allow ONE SINGLE teacher to teach all of the the subjects that would commonly be taught in a ND loftier schoolhouse, no matter how remote. That is an affront to the intelligence of the people of my state. The volume comprehend is fifty-fifty more than insulting. The illustration shows a one-room Course school. Equally a matter of fact, I attended a i-room schoolhouse through form six, but no ND one-room school E'er offered classes beyond form eight. People, accept your blinders off!

Macomber claims to accept roots in ND. If so, she should have done more research out of respect for her roots.

I bought this volume on the recommendation of a friend from North Carolina, who of course knows naught about Northward Dakota. Aye, it it true, we accept had difficulty keeping our rural schools open. Merely when we do shut them, we consolidate the schools so that our students still receive the best possible education, on par with the national level.

For shame on you, Debbie Macomber.

...more than
Mar thirty, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
Though this book was published in tardily 1999, it didn't seem dated. It's difficult to believe that simply xviii years ago, most people didn't have a cell phone and smart phones were only a dream of the future.

In this outset book of Debbie Macomber's Dakota series, she managed to capture the plight of the American small farmer. During that fourth dimension, I remember Willie Nelson using his influence to outset Farm Assistance, making the state aware of what was happening to the small farmers of America.

Though "true dear" d

Though this book was published in late 1999, it didn't seem dated. It's hard to believe that simply 18 years ago, most people didn't have a jail cell phone and smart phones were simply a dream of the future.

In this first book of Debbie Macomber'southward Dakota series, she managed to capture the plight of the American small farmer. During that time, I remember Willie Nelson using his influence to beginning Subcontract Assist, making the country aware of what was happening to the small farmers of America.

Though "true beloved" does prevail in Debbie's books, she also paints a realistic movie of the challenges in relationships. I definitely recommend this book and I look forward to reading the second book in Debbie Macomber'southward Dakota serial.

...more than
Cat Tutt
Mar 26, 2017 rated it really liked it
My Mama sure was right on this i! My mom has been a Debbie Macomber fan for years, and it has taken me until at present to give her a fair shot. I don't usually {or ever} read things that are strictly contemporary romance, but I had been curious about Ms Macomber, and after seeing Dakota Born on a Goodreads Penpals TBR list, I chose it.

I have to say, I actually did savour it. I knew how information technology would end, though not how information technology would go at that place, but I was okay with that. Sometimes information technology's prissy to become emotionally inve

My Mama sure was right on this i! My mom has been a Debbie Macomber fan for years, and it has taken me until now to give her a off-white shot. I don't usually {or ever} read things that are strictly contemporary romance, just I had been curious nearly Ms Macomber, and after seeing Dakota Born on a Goodreads Penpals TBR list, I chose it.

I accept to say, I actually did enjoy it. I knew how information technology would end, though non how information technology would get there, simply I was okay with that. Sometimes it's squeamish to get emotionally invested in a story with the confidence that you're not going to become your heart broken in the telling. A lot of the books I read, the same cannot be said for. And so it was kind of a refreshing change of pace.

The book was predictable, as far every bit knowing basically how it was going to stop, but I felt like at that place were some surprises and interesting plot developments throughout. Simply because you know where it's going doesn't mean it needs to march there in a straight line, and I felt similar at that place was a lot of wandering around through the forest in this 1, in the very all-time kind of way.

This isn't high brow literary reading, or spectacularly high quality writing, but it is a well written, entertaining story that let me only relax and get lost in the town and in the characters. Information technology was a fun, fast read that kept me turning the pages, always bummed to get to the end of our next 3-chapter section to email my PenPal.

I won't say I'll be tossing out all the more serious stuff I ain and love, and devoting myself to reading fluffy romance novels... simply I Volition say I'll be reading the second in this trilogy!

4 stars

Visit my blog at

Erica Chaillot
Apr 09, 2021 rated it really liked it
Very sweet showtime to a new series. I felt that a lot of the relationships took a long time to develop and their were a lot of secondary characters that were frequently difficult to go on up with. I will continue reading the series.
This book wasn't quite what I expected. I wasn't expecting then much anger, male chauvinism, stubbornness, and manipulation. I was expecting more sweet romance, perseverance, and optimism in the face of failure.

I did capeesh the diverseness of female characters and thought the high schoolers were some of the most interesting. Actually, none of the men had very interesting character profiles- they were all angry and stubborn and too proud for their own skilful. Maybe with the exception of Buffalo Bob. I

This book wasn't quite what I expected. I wasn't expecting and so much anger, male chauvinism, stubbornness, and manipulation. I was expecting more sweet romance, perseverance, and optimism in the face of failure.

I did appreciate the diversity of female characters and thought the high schoolers were some of the about interesting. Really, none of the men had very interesting character profiles- they were all angry and stubborn and likewise proud for their own skillful. Maybe with the exception of Buffalo Bob. I too loved the reminders of technology past- punch up internet that ties up the phone line, long distance telephone charges, and the art of alphabetic character writing. (I didn't realize this book was written in 1999 when I picked information technology up.) There were some lose ends that I wish the author would have tied up- like what happened to Kevin when he got picked upwardly at the station?

I also establish information technology hard to believe in a one room schoolhouse firm for high schoolers in the late 90s. Especially with a teacher who had a pocket-size in instruction? Not a convincing plot set upward to me. Possibly considering I'm also an outsider even though I have roots in Northward Dakota. I guess I just don't get information technology. (Just really, did everyone have to exist so proud and stubborn that they couldn't fifty-fifty try to explain it to poor Lindsay instead of only yelling at her?)

...more than
Macomber always intrigues me with her emotional and realistic await at the lives of pocket-sized town characters. DAKOTA Built-in was no exception. She breathes life into this town that she`south created. I felt as if I were able to walk the street alongside the characters. All the while, she develops a story with intertwining plotlines, none outshining the others, but with one definitely taking center stage.

The Gage/Lindsay dynamic was riveting. Their interactions were and then real. The mode that Macomber develops i

Macomber ever intrigues me with her emotional and realistic wait at the lives of small town characters. DAKOTA BORN was no exception. She breathes life into this town that she`southward created. I felt as if I were able to walk the street alongside the characters. All the while, she develops a story with intertwining plotlines, none outshining the others, just with one definitely taking centre stage.

The Gage/Lindsay dynamic was riveting. Their interactions were so existent. The way that Macomber develops it, and so that you experience both sides, gave me the full pic of their relationship while likewise allowing y'all to get to know them as individuals. Their potent personalities actually drew me in. I dear how intricate these characters are, without ever feeling similar you`re in information overload. At the same time, Macomber goes and so much further with her characters than just these 2. The entire town comes to life in a large style. Joanie and Brandon bankrupt my centre. Getting to know many of the other budding couples was fun as well.

This was a cute, fun small town romance with lots of heart. Macomber melds emotion with real life in a way like no other, creating a world that definitely puts her in the running for the queen of the quill.

Kaitlin Jundt
1. The scenery portrayed put me right back in my hometown and on the farm in Eastern ND.

2.Subcontract life was portrayed to the tee. Grain markets and atmospheric condition are literally EVERYTHING to a farm family. Vacations and unproblematic luxuries practice not happen if weather and markets are not in favor.

3.Small town communities pull together in drastic times of need.

four.Small town life revolves effectually everyone knowing your concern fifty-fifty before you do. (Cue my hometown baker gossip table)

ane.The men in this boo

1. The scenery portrayed put me right back in my hometown and on the farm in Eastern ND.

2.Farm life was portrayed to the tee. Grain markets and weather are literally EVERYTHING to a farm family. Vacations and uncomplicated luxuries practise not happen if weather and markets are non in favor.

3.Small town communities pull together in desperate times of need.

iv.Small-scale town life revolves around everyone knowing your business organisation fifty-fifty before you practice. (Cue my hometown baker gossip tabular array)

i.The men in this book had major anger management issues. Farming is tough merely oof homo, exhale.

2.The drama in this book was a bit over the top. One minute there's all this sweetness romance and literally seconds later on they are screaming at eachother.

3. I predicted pretty much almost everything in this book.

...more than
Carol [Goodreads Addict]
I needed a lite read and this book entirely fit the neb. I just happened to take it on my shelf from an old library book sale. I very much enjoyed watching Lindsay'south growth from a metropolis girl to a minor town land girl who as well finds out that she loves instruction. The impact she has on this pocket-sized customs is wonderful. I also loved that Debbie Macomber brings to light the hardships our farmers must endure. I needed a low-cal read and this book entirely fit the bill. I just happened to have information technology on my shelf from an old library book auction. I very much enjoyed watching Lindsay's growth from a urban center girl to a small town state girl who also finds out that she loves teaching. The affect she has on this small community is wonderful. I also loved that Debbie Macomber brings to light the hardships our farmers must endure. ...more than
two.v stars. This was nice in some respects (especially in getting to know the town), quite slow, and the relationships were a elevate through bad matches. Fifty-fifty Cuff and Lindsay were a bad pairing-- he'southward and so high-handed I couldn't believe they didn't take any knock-downwardly blowout fights. Given that he fabricated her miserable 90% of the time, and they don't even have a physical relationship, what could she really come across as an inducement into matrimony? 2.5 stars. This was nice in some respects (especially in getting to know the town), quite boring, and the relationships were a drag through bad matches. Fifty-fifty Gage and Lindsay were a bad pairing-- he's so high-handed I couldn't believe they didn't take any knock-down blowout fights. Given that he made her miserable 90% of the time, and they don't fifty-fifty accept a physical relationship, what could she really come across as an inducement into marriage? ...more
Aug 13, 2014 rated it liked it
I actually requite this a 3.5. Information technology would have gotten 4, but it bugged me the mode the couples honey and buss each other with nigh uncontrollable passion, then 2 seconds later they are fighting with such zeal that they never desire to see each other over again. That wore me out. However, Debbie writes another compelling read, and I will go on onto volume 2.
Chloe (Always Booked)
This book was a really fun start to the series! I thought all of the relationships were complex and pretty realistic and I loved the chief character, Lindsay. I liked getting to know all of the boondocks and found each storyline engaging enough that I'm excited to read on with the series. My merely complaint was Gage. He was extremely grouchy and resentful from the offset for no adept reason and I thought he was kind of an ass. Overall, I would recommend this volume and I'thousand excited to read on.


This volume was a really fun start to the serial! I thought all of the relationships were complex and pretty realistic and I loved the primary grapheme, Lindsay. I liked getting to know all of the boondocks and found each storyline engaging enough that I'm excited to read on with the series. My only complaint was Gage. He was extremely grouchy and resentful from the commencement for no good reason and I idea he was kind of an donkey. Overall, I would recommend this volume and I'1000 excited to read on.

The primary storyline in this volume is about Lindsay and Cuff. It's set in Buffalo Valley, ND, a boondocks that is struggling to survive. Gage (30ish) is a farmer who lives with his mom and one-half brother (in HS) named Kevin. Lindsay lives in Savannah, GA but she has a memory from childhood of her grandma in Buffalo Valley. She visited her grandparents there every summer and one summer she saw her grandma moving a brick in the fireplace and hiding something there. So, she and her girl friend Maddy accept a trip to Buffalo Valley. Lindsay had but broken upwardly with her long time boyfriend, Monte, because he did non want to become married or accept kids and she did. He was a HUGE prick- yuck! When they go there they see that the town is about to fall autonomously because the teacher simply died so they have no schoolhouse left. Businesses are struggling and crop prices are low and so the town is really in need of rejuvenation. She goes home with Maddy only and so decides to take the job as high school teacher in Buffalo Valley for one year. She moves there and lives in her grandparents old house and tries to effigy out whats hiding in the fireplace. Long story short, she finds out that her grandma and Gage'due south granddaddy were in beloved. Theres a locket in the fireplace that has their picture. Notwithstanding, when the war came he was taken equally a POW and presumed dead. She was pregnant with his baby and she chose to give her upwardly for adoption and married Lindsay's grandpa instead. Lindsay and Cuff argue nigh it because he thinks they shouldn't try to find this gal (who would be both of their aunts) but she does it anyway and in the end the aunt (Angela Kirkpatrick) comes to notice them. We don't know if Lindsay stays or goes after her year in ND, but we'll discover out in the next book!
Other characters in the story--
Brandon and Joanie. Brandon is Cuff'due south BFF and a rancher. They got married younger and take been married for 2 years with ii kids. They accept drifted apart and he's a big jerk in the face of such hard fiscal times. She ends upwards leaving with the kids to become to her parents (she never liked the farm life) merely she's accidentally significant again. They take no money and their marriage is dissolving so she decides to keep it hole-and-corner from him. In the very cease, they work through some of their stuff, but Joanie and the kids are still living carve up from him.
Rachel and Heath. Rachel owns the pizza shop and Heath is a wealthy banker. They have a relationship starting but it's still early. He tries to push her into sexual activity earlier she's ready and we'll encounter if they work it out. Lily is Heath's grandma and was a friend of Regina (Lindsay'south grandma). She'southward the one who gives her a lot of data necessary to find out the secret of the fireplace.
Sarah and Dennis- Dennis owns the gas station and Sarah makes quilts. She'southward the son of the town Mr. Fix Information technology, Jacob, and she has a daughter named Calla. She doesn't really want commitment because her 14 year former daughter is being actually resistant and she's only gun shy afterward her last relationship going bad. The girls dad is in and out of their life and the daughter idolizes him, even though he sucks.
Hassie- Lindsay's all-time friend is the town optimist, Hassie. She owns the pharmacy and she's a sugariness older lady that everyone comes in to for medical and life communication. She has a heart attack virtually the end of this volume and she sort of loses her will to live if it means going to a nursing home. Hopefully she will fully recover and come back to the chemist's shop with the help of Leta, Gage'due south mom, and others.
Buffalo Bob owns the local bar and grille and he has a girlfriend named Merrily only she comes and goes a lot because she is scared of commitment, but Bob is patient and lets her do her thing.
Kevin is Gage's half brother. He's a senior in high school and he's really talented in fine art, but he knows it won't go anywhere because he has to take over the family unit farm. When the dad died, Kevin was just a child so Cuff had to come take over the farm, even though information technology was willed to Kevin considering it was his dads. And then as soon every bit he graduates loftier school, he's going to run the farm and then Cuff tin buy his ain land or do whatsoever hew wants. Lindsay sees his gift and applies to a agglomeration of art schools for him and he gets in to the meridian ii with full ride scholarships then in the finish, he decides to go and gifts all of the land to Cuff so it will finally be his.

Dec 10, 2016 rated it liked it
The reason I'm laying out big bad three stars to the Debs is that I was amused until the very end. This book was what I expected out of her and more.

I'll give her credit for more than cuss words. "Gnat'due south ass" Oooh, Debbie, you naughty thing you...

The volume starts with Lindsay returning to her grandparents' dwelling house town and to notice information technology barely clinging to the brink of life. She uses the instructor'southward position to run away from her problems with her ex-boyfriend, Monte, since he tin't put a ring on it with her, b

The reason I'1000 laying out big bad three stars to the Debs is that I was amused until the very stop. This book was what I expected out of her and more.

I'll give her credit for more cuss words. "Gnat's ass" Oooh, Debbie, you naughty affair you...

The volume starts with Lindsay returning to her grandparents' home town and to detect information technology barely clinging to the brink of life. She uses the teacher'south position to run away from her bug with her ex-fellow, Monte, since he tin't put a ring on it with her, merely only wants her for his convenience. I liked how the town engaged with each other and wasn't bored with the drama in the slightest. But you have to remember that one's reaction to problems in life and how they handle them takes a huge consideration with the story.

I wouldn't call this a romance since no ane knows how to keep their temper in check or enjoy jumping to conclusions with their love interests. I don't remember any man in that 1 horse town wouldn't know how to work on their human relationship like a grown up with the woman they supposedly claim they're in love.

Let's start with Bitch Number One: Cuff Sinclair. We know right off the bat he doesn't accept any experience with dearest or relationships since all his life he has been working all of his life and trying to keep a farming community from choking to death. That's all fine and groovy. Simply y'all would think Leta would drill ameliorate manners into him and managing to keep them. Understanding he'due south seeking a wife that tin can handle the farm life, you would think he would take the time to observe a woman's personality and beliefs before jumping to conclusions. But that would be too wearisome and mature of him. And then, he manages to insult Lindsay while sticking his natural language down the pharynx and insinuating that she'southward gumming up the works with him and trying to brand him jealous.

Where the fuck does he go off maxim that to her? He doesn't even carp to go to know her and information technology takes Hassie and Leta to jam it in his thick skull that isn't the case. If I was Lindsay, I would have taken those loose bricks from my fireplace and blast information technology over his caput. He doesn't deserve to exist with her if all he'south going to practice is human action like a hurt picayune boy.

Bitch Number Ii: Brandon Wyatt.
If you idea someone you married wasn't cut out for farming, don't you call back you wouldn't have married her in the first place? Joanie is a struggling female parent and wife trying to help her husband, just he's also stupid with pride to permit that. When your farm is on the brink of defalcation and y'all are in debt with eyeballs in a town that is going to plummet, you don't exactly accept many options of having your wife stay at dwelling house while you lot're working ungodly hours that won't even bother keeping the bill collectors away. She offered to piece of work, but no. That's as well much for his manly pride. I can empathize how he feels virtually losing his livelihood, but when someone is offering to make information technology a fiddling easier, you lot take up on that option.

He thinks that Joanie's parents don't similar him because he isn't some rich folk who could offer her ten washing machines. I think by then, her parents would have gotten over it, but are more than pissed at Brandon for pushing their ain daughter away and caring for his pride more her needs. He treats Joanie like shit and I wouldn't have been surprised if she did determine to divorce him instead of the other manner effectually.

Bowwow Number 3: Heath Quantrill.
Oh, I had loftier hopes for this one, but he fucking blew it one-half way through the story. He decided to live upwards to his rich male child attitude and presume that every girl would fuck him on the first date. Instead of accepting it one nighttime without sex activity with grace and keep seeing Rachel which would have led to hanky panky, he decided to throw information technology all dorsum into her face and run abroad like a wounded animal. I get that he doesn't retrieve he's a saint and he'southward right. No i is. Another man assumes he knows what she's thinking and accuses her of the worst.

This is close to Facebook where skeevy dudes become online and sexually harass and threaten girls for not giving them what they want. These are signs of misogyny correct hither and somehow I would have figured the women would be doing this towards the men and having no trust with them. But it'southward the men who are more emotionally vulnerable than the women in this story. They tin't handle their problems at all and assume the worst whining like a little fuck boy.

Oh. My. God. I suppose Debbie did a astounding chore at exposing this social issue and showing that men tin be pathetically weak creatures in romance novels. Boy hello! That'south why I kept reading. Near of the women in these stories were emotional, only they kept pushing forward. They fucking had to! There was hardly a homo around to give them the support. Buffalo Valley was saved by the very few women while the men crawled back on their bellies.

Lindsay knows how to relieve a schoolhouse from falling, Rachel knows how to run a business and make it grow, Hassie is in control of the town despite her health bug, Leta is there to help in whatever style she tin can, Sarah puts up with a bratty teenage daughter and is trying to assist her brother recover, Joanie manages to stand up upward for herself and keep her kids happy, Lily Quantill knows how to control her stupid grandson and make him do what's correct, and Maddy is going to come along and find a style to make things right in the future.

Do you lot understand that this is what I am inspired past? I don't know if Debbie realized what she created, but she unknowingly proved that women can option up a failing boondocks without much help from a human besides live without romance. In the end, I get bored by the half-ass apologies from the men and beingness all lovey dovey.

I thought the Hansens were pretty negative and glad they blew out of town. I couldn't put up with their trivial weakness and pessimism. Fifty-fifty that was too down in the dumps or me. I liked Buffalo Bob and found it stupid that Merrily treated him like dirt.

Where to begin with this ane... I don't normally review books like this only it kind of fabricated me a trivial mad so I had to say something. I was expecting for this to be a cheesy romance set in a small town in North Dakota... what I didn't wait was that every single male love interest in this book was a complete antipathetic ass. How on earth is that appealing to anyone? They treated all of the women like absolute crap, and were almost constantly aroused at the world and taking it out on those women Where to brainstorm with this i... I don't ordinarily review books like this but it kind of fabricated me a little mad so I had to say something. I was expecting for this to be a cheesy romance prepare in a pocket-size town in North Dakota... what I didn't wait was that every unmarried male person beloved interest in this volume was a complete antipathetic ass. How on earth is that appealing to anyone? They treated all of the women like accented crap, and were about constantly angry at the world and taking it out on those women. And did those women stand up for themselves.... not actually. It'south virtually shocking to me that a woman wrote this. This was i of the most unappealing romance novels that I have ever read. I've read a few books by this author in the past and have been underwhelmed but this volume has me wanting to never read a volume by her again. ...more
Jan 08, 2019 rated it it was ok
The characters in this book were very frustrating. Information technology seemed similar throughout the unabridged book, 1 person out of every romantic couple treated the other person like crap, then only longed for them when that person reacted to beingness treated and so poorly. Characters continued to make the same stupid mistakes the entire fourth dimension, and "depth" and "realness" was attempted to be added through just about every grapheme experiencing tragedy and hardship in their pasts. The likeable characters were treated poorl The characters in this volume were very frustrating. It seemed similar throughout the entire book, i person out of every romantic couple treated the other person like crap, then only longed for them when that person reacted to being treated then poorly. Characters continued to make the same stupid mistakes the entire time, and "depth" and "realness" was attempted to be added through simply about every character experiencing tragedy and hardship in their pasts. The likeable characters were treated poorly past those who claimed they loved them, then accustomed them dorsum as shortly as that person came dorsum to them. The principal graphic symbol was rarely treated nicely by Gage and yet seemed to be head over heels for him. Didn't make whatever sense and was frustrating to read. ...more
Mar 21, 2011 rated it information technology was amazing
This is a great book, i will be reading the other function of the trology. I like the style the customs come to gether to build the town up and assistance the school teacher. No the state probley would not allow one teacher to teach all the kid at in one case. I take come from a small customs, and the school i went too had 3 grade groups in one course. It took me back to that time.
Jul 22, 2017 rated it it was ok
I did NOT like three of the principal/lead men in this volume. They were self-centered, a*******... who BARELY redeemed themselves at the very end, and who ultimately ruined the story for me. I don't program on continuing this series.
(It was also the first risqué book I've read -or skimmed over- by Ms. Macomber. Yikes! I guess I will stick to her most recent books; which seem to be lighter on the romance.)
I did Not like three of the main/lead men in this volume. They were self-centered, a*******... who BARELY redeemed themselves at the very finish, and who ultimately ruined the story for me. I don't plan on continuing this series.
(It was as well the starting time risqué volume I've read -or skimmed over- by Ms. Macomber. Yikes! I guess I volition stick to her most recent books; which seem to exist lighter on the romance.)
Hannah Prince
You know that thing in "whose line is it anyway?" Where the points don't matter? This is what this romance novel is. I gave it 2 stars bc I was entertained but honestly I found the relationship between the love interests obnoxiously rocky and he was constantly yelling at her for trying to aid. Meh. Dump his ass.
Phylisha Stone
Nov 05, 2017 rated it really liked it
A wonderful story most a dying rural community, A immature adult female looking for roots and a man who didn't know he was looking for love. A wonderful story about a dying rural customs, A immature woman looking for roots and a man who didn't know he was looking for dearest. ...more
Joann M
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Seems like a beautiful little town
Patricia King
Jan 03, 2021 rated it it was astonishing
This review has been subconscious because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click here. Dakota Born
Dakota series, Book ane
Debbie Macomber, writer

Dynamic storyline.... Engaging characters...... Real life struggles....

I enjoyed how Ms. Macomber entwined multiple families of a small boondocks in the northwestern part of Dakota. True life struggles resulting from a turn down in the economic system. I look forward to the adjacent installment every bit the story continues..... Will Brandon and Joni make amends?

Sep 26, 2018 rated it it was amazing
This was such a great book love all Debbie macomber's books she e'er knows how to make an audience sit down on the edge of your seat till the terminate of the book at that place were such skilful parts in it that I had tears in my eyes This was such a great book beloved all Debbie macomber'south books she ever knows how to brand an audition sit on the edge of your seat till the end of the volume there were such good parts in it that I had tears in my eyes ...more
Jun 29, 2019 rated it information technology was amazing
Interesting story about a woman who decides to exit her home in the due south and move to a pocket-sized town in N Dakota for one year working as a teacher in a minor school of less than twenty students. It is part of a three book series (The Dakota Series).
October sixteen, 2018 rated it information technology was amazing
I like Debbie macombers small town series . They strike a chord with me in particular.
I simply needed an easy audio while I was running effectually. I had to fast forwards a couple small scenes. Typical Macomber.
There was a boring offset to this one but I really enjoyed it by the end.
I'm looking forwards to the adjacent one in the series.
There was a slow get-go to this i merely I really enjoyed it by the end.
I'1000 looking forward to the side by side one in the series.
...more than
Bev Walkling
I enjoyed this first book in a series. I recall I've already read the third so will keep my eyes open up for book 2. I enjoyed this first book in a series. I think I've already read the third so will keep my eyes open up for volume 2. ...more
Rod Horncastle
Jun 17, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
Audiobook: 5 seriously frustrating couples attempt romance in Northward Dakota. Good modest town story, horrible relationship stories.
Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and one of today's near popular writers with more than 200 million copies of her books in impress worldwide. In her novels, Macomber brings to life compelling relationships that cover family and indelible friendships, uplifting her readers with stories of connection and promise. Macomber's novels have spent over 1,000 weeks on the New York Time Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and i of today's nearly popular writers with more than 200 million copies of her books in impress worldwide. In her novels, Macomber brings to life compelling relationships that embrace family and enduring friendships, uplifting her readers with stories of connection and hope. Macomber's novels have spent over 1,000 weeks on the New York Times bestseller listing. Fifteen of these novels hitting the number one spot.

In 2022, Macomber'south all-new hardcover publications include The Best Is Yet to Come (July) and The Christmas Spirit (Oct). In addition to fiction, Macomber has also published three bestselling cookbooks, two adult coloring books, numerous inspirational and nonfiction works, and two acclaimed children's books.

Celebrated as "the official storyteller of Christmas", Macomber's almanac Christmas books are honey and vi have been crafted into original Hallmark Aqueduct movies. Macomber is besides the author of the bestselling Cedar Cove Series which the Hallmark Aqueduct chose as the basis for its commencement dramatic scripted television series. Debuting in 2013, Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove was a ratings favorite for 3 seasons.

She serves on the Guideposts National Informational Cabinet, is a YFC National Ambassador, and is World Vision's international spokesperson for their Knit for Kids charity initiative. A devoted grandmother, Debbie and Wayne live in Port Orchard, Washington, the town which inspired the Cedar Cove series.


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